Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2 Questii0nz

-Whats a region??
*The regions defines the different sections of a project.
-Whats a zoom slider??
*A zoom slider provides a closer view or part of the timeline to be viewed at once.

Now that ii CAn uSe gAraGebaNd

-NOw that I can use garageband I could make the music that I like the best. When I started using garageband I thought it was so hard but Mrs.Goeldner started showing me how to use it and now I could say that I'm an excpert. Garageband is a cool place because everything you would like to do you could do it and you are free to have your own style. In garageband I have done the music that I like and everytime I would like to hear to a diffrent song I just go to garageband and do the song I want.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

GaRagE bAnd

-I think Garage band is going to help a lot on my Di media class but is going also to help me in my personal life. I would like to learn and understand more about Garage Band. In garage band I'm learning a lot of different things that are so fun and in my personal life I could use it has many times I want. I hope that by using garage band it would show me that all the music is different and has its own style.

Monday, November 29, 2010

W@t ii Liike 2 hEar

-What I always would like to hear would be music. My favorite artist is Belanova I could listen to her all day and I would not get bored. Durangense music is another kind of gender music that I would listen all day with out getting board.

Monday, November 8, 2010

New siitting ChArt

-I relly like were I sit because I know that my grade is going to improve because Im setting next to students that dont talk that much and they are always doing their work. I know that not sitting next to a friend is going to help me to pay attention and get my work done. What I'm going to miss when I was sitting next to Jessica is that she help me a lot and she always explain me everything.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaMe LogoS

PeN & subsElect T0ol

Pen tool- When you want to create a path you need to use the pen tool. When you use the pen tool you can delete or add points on the segment that you are working on. By modifying the number of points you put in the path it help you to change the shape until you get the shape you want it.

Subselect tool- The subselect tool helps you to move points in the path. The subselection tool helps you to select the points of an object that is group or to create a curved point.

Love U

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  • Join- When you have two objects and they are put together having the same color as the other object.
  • Punch- It erase the object you select and it only lets the shape around.
  • Union- It groups the things together and makes them as one object.
  • Pen- The pen tool is used to draw any shapes, when you have finish doing the shape than you can round out the lines.
  • Intersect- The intersect tool erase everything but the only thing that it doesn't erase is the point were two things intersect.
  • Sub select-It helps you to group many objects at once by making a square around the objects.
  • Crop- Is the reverse of the punch tool.


    Love u 2morrow quote

    1. I did it gaussian blur and the blur radius was 1.3.
    2. I put motion blur, angle is 90 and distance is 10.
    3. I applied radial blur, amount 20 quality 11.
    4. I applied zoom blur, amount 30 quality 20.
    5. I change the color to brown.
    6. I applied radial blur, amount 20 quality 11.
    7. I Change the color to dark blue.
    8. I applied motion blur, angle 75 distance 20.
    9. I change the color to light green.
    10. Gaussian blur, blur radius is 2.9.
    11. I change the color to orange.
    12. I unsharpen the text, sharpen amount 310, pixel radius 50, threshold 129.
    13. I did radial blur, amount 48 quality 11.
    14. I applied zoom blur, amount 22, quality 30.
    15. I change the color to brown.
    16. I put outer bevel and change the color to brown.
    17. I put outer bevel and change the color to white.
    18. I change the color to green and insert inner bevel
    19. I change the color to blue and insert raised emboss.
    20. I change the color to hot pink and applied radial blur amount 30 quality 20.

    Friday, October 29, 2010

    HallowEen Candii

    5 neW things

    Pasta, Confection, & Sweet essence

    Completely New
    1. What was new to me was how to display the guides.
    2. Select the Smart polygon
    3. To position the pointer at the top left corner of the rectangle formed by the guides on the left jar.
    4. To put the pasta pasta pasta in to the L-shape tool.
    5. Deselect the text to the path.
    Forget I could do
    1. Undock the layers panel.
    2. Create the document height and width and change the color canvas.
    3. Move the ingredients objects from layers.
    4. Apply a stroke.
    5. Select the text tool.
    I totally get
    1. I totally get how to open a document in FIREWORKS.
    2. How to modify a the text.
    3. Change the width and height.
    4. I know how to save the work.
    5. How to change the layers name.

    Hall0weeN piics

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Donut Pastries

    Layers- Every time I add something to the donut  it added a layer to layers box.
    Stroke Color- It help me to change the color of the doughnut.
    Fill Color-
    I used the filters every time I needed to change the color of the donut.
    Rulers- It help me to find the exact point of the canvas.
    X:To align the two circles Y:to align the two circles
    W:The width of the circle H:The height of the circle
    EditAlign-I use this tool to align the two circles that I made at the beginning.
    Combine paths- I use the combine tool to put together the donut base.
    Undo- I needed to combine paths and I put union but I suppose to put punch so I went to undo the union and put punch.
    Group- I use the group tool to grouped the base of the dounut under the circle.
    Gradient-I put gradient to the donut to make that three different color on the donut.
    Edge-I  use the edge tool we change the shape of the circle into a donut.
    Texture- I used to put a different style to the donut.
    Transform- I used the transform tool when I had to rotate the donut.
    Filters- I used to create a different color tone to the doughnut.
    Distance- Is used to show how far out the shadow caste on the text
    Text tool- It help me to write in the png. document.
    Styles Panel- I used it gave me different styles of writing for the text.
    New Style
    - It allowed me to create a new style for the text to put the specific style I needed.

    Thursday, September 16, 2010


    Tools Used-
    • Pointer tool
    • zoom button
    • Eraser
    • Filters, adjust color, hue saturation

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010


    Owner- Domain Privacy Group Inc,
    -There is not an author.
    What is the purpose of the website?
    -The purpose of the website is to look out for music,videos, and friends.
    -My website is not basis.
    When was created?
    -My website was created on  October 31, of 2009.
    When was last updated?
    -The website was lastupdated on September 7, of 2010.

    Thursday, September 2, 2010


    -What have I learned about copyright??

    I have learn that if you make a poem like Sarah and you want others to see it you first need to make a copyright, because it could happen the same thing that happen to Sarah. Brian continues being wrong because if he was her ex boyfrined he needs to ask for permition to Sarah not just publish the song.

    Copyright Vocabulary Organizer

    • Copyright- Protection that was grounded in the U.S. Constitution and law for works of authorship for medium of expression.
    • Fair Use- The amount that you could use in a copyrighted item.
    • First Sale Doctrine- The purchaser could make copy's of the copyright.
    • Intellectual property- A product that has imaginations and the trademarks is the owner.
    • Patent- A monopoly that is created to limited the time of a new invention
    • Permission- Able to to use a work by reprinting or reproducing it in other work.
    • Phone records- New technology that lets music to be play record and store in digital devices.
    • Plagiarism- Able to steal the ideas or words of others.
    • Public Domain- Works even do the copyright protection has expired.
    • Trademark- Word or symbol used to identify the product in the marketplace.

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010


    1. My opinion is that Bryan is right about he making a poem to a song, because she would never had an idea to make a song out of the poem.
    2. What Shara needs to do is to keep making poems and than she could maybe try to make songs out of her own poems, and start doing everything correctly like registered the poem to the copyright.

    Tuesday, August 31, 2010

    Computer Animator

    2. 3D Animator/Designer & Graphic Artist
    3. Tribune Company
    4. Chicago IL 60611
    5. 2 years
    6. Unknown

    1. After graduaitng I want to go to college and major in  Graphic Design.
    2. I would attend to the University of Utep.
    3. I plan to major in Graphic design.
    4. It takes a minimum of 2 years to complete the program.
    5. By me knowing what major I need to be in.

    Wednesday, August 25, 2010

    Digital- Images.
    Ineractive- capable of acting on something.
    Multimedia- Different electronic device.